Autumn Shrug

Autumn Shrug

Fall was already here and from my window I could see the leaves dancing to the wind. It wasn’t  quiet cold for a sweater so I needed something a just a little warm. After some thoughts this shrug came to life.

I got the lace pattern from the book “Lace collection for Knitting” but I adapted it to my own shrug. There is a scalloped edge on the shoulders that gives a lovely and feminine detail.

I am small petite so the shrug is for small/medium size, if you wanted a little wider just add 14 more stitches for the leaves pattern.



2 balls of Knit picks Comfy Worsted Yarn in Carrot

75% Pima Cotton, 25% Acrylic, Yards: 109 Grams: 50

Knitting Needles #8 and # 10


sk2po: slip 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped stitch over

M1: make one

YO: Yarn over


Stitch count changes during pattern , so number of stitches are correct on row 1.

Loosely cast on 98 stitches

Work 3″ in K2, P2 ribbing on needles #8 and change to needles #10 AFTER first lace row.

Work 7 times row 1 of lace pattern placing marker after every 14 stitches.

Lace Pattern

Row 1: *P2, K7,P2, K1, P2* place marker , repeat from * end.

Row 2: *K2, P1, K2, P7,K2; rep from * to end

Row3: *P2, SSK, YO, sk2po, YO, K2tog, P2, YO, K1, YO, P2; repeat from * to end

Row 4: *K2,P3,K2,P5,K2 ; repeat from * to end.

Row 5: *P2, K1, YO, sk2po, YO, K1, P2, K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, P2; repeat from * to end.

Row 6:  *K2, P5, 2,P5,K2; repeat from * to end.

Row 7: * P2,K1, sk2po, K1,P2, K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, P2; repeat from * to end.

Row 8: *K2, P7, K2, P3tog, K2; repeat from * to end

Row 9: *P2, K1, P2, K7, P2; repeat from * to end.

Row 10: *K2, P7, K2, P1, K2; repeat from * to end.

Row 11: * P2, K1, P2, SSK, K3, K2tog, P2,; repeat from * to end

Row 12: * K2, P5, K2, P1, K2; repeat from * to end.

Row 13: *P2, M1, K1, M1, P2, SSK, K1, K2tog, P2; repeat from * to end.

Row 14: * K2, P3, K2, P3,K2; repeat from * to end

Row 15: * P2, K1, M1, K1, M1,K1,P2, sk2po, P2; repeat from * to end

Row 16: *K2, P1,K2, P5, K2; repeat from* to end.

Row 17: * P2,K2,M1,K1,M1, K2, P2, K1, P2, repeat from * to end.

Row 18: *K2, P1,K2, P7, K2; repeat from * to end.

Work pattern( 18 rows) until piece measure 15.5″ from cast on (5 times for small size).

Change to needles #8 and work K2,P2 ribbing for 3 inches, the same # of rows at the bottom ribbing. .

Bind of using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn bind off:

Sew the sleeves for about 3.5″ . Sew the collar down to keep it in place.

Wear it with pride!

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